Welcome to Buckland & Laverton Parish Council

Buckland Parish Council is the local council for both Buckland & Laverton.

Buckland & Laverton are villages nestling in the Cotswold Escarpment between Broadway & Stanton. In Buckland there is the 13th century Church of St. Michaels & All Angels, Buckland Manor Hotel dating back to 600AD which is mentioned in the Doomsday Book. The Rectory is reported to be one of the oldest inhabited rectories in the Country.

Laverton has the Village Hall which is well supported at social events throughout the year.

  • Without you we wouldn’t exist. We work to serve the community who have elected us.
  • We have implemented practical ways to provide help and assistance to the local community, including the provision of Defibrillators in both Buckland & Laverton.
  • We also liaise with such agencies as the police, highways, the environment, village agent and Tewksbury Borough Council.